Steven Ambrose’s favorite song?

I’ve been repeating this song a bit doing some editing on Simon Rising.

I can totally see Steven Ambrose, the main character, really liking this song. I see him sitting back in a leather recliner listening to it fairly loud, about as loud as he can without annoying his neighbors. He’s leaned back, a glass of Irish whisky on the rocks in his hand. His eyes are closed, and his head nods to the drum beats.

He has this soundtrack, and has played it several times. When the lyrics bit comes up he sings along, softly, his voice a little hollow and melancholic.

Emotions swirl in him just beneath the surface, mimicking the motion of water and liquor blending as the ice melts. As the song ends he finishes the drink, swallowing emotions and fluid together. He stands up and scowls. There’s work to do. Each time he’s enjoying it less and less.

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1 Response to Steven Ambrose’s favorite song?

  1. Pingback: About Steven’s Favorite Song | Brian D Howard - Author

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